Monthly Archives: March 2014

The Complexity of Production

I have been fascinated by the lengths and widths it took the communist regime to plan out the organizing of materials for production into the amounts of goods that they then had until production would began again. The extreme need to be spot on with their calculations for their expected needs is emphasized by the fact that they had to sometimes barter with each other for resource. This alone peeked my interests. However, then to find out that even though they weren’t spot on most of the time; the lower levels of the totem pole had the brilliance to not let anything go to waste and would use the leftovers (and possibly some scraps they were able to get their hands on) to make other goods that they could profit on in some way.

I hope to put specificity on production in Poland, however I find myself looking into all sorts of avenues in order to fine tune my paper to have a more distinguished point and not so much a generalized objective.